Thursday, July 12, 2012

Words I Wish I Understood

Alright y’all – what is the deal with all these new words floating around? I don’t even know if they’re actually words or just pieces of words my students put together to see if I’ll figure it out.

While I was calling roll recently I asked a student how he was  doing and he very coolly replied “trillin.’” While I tried to hide the confused look on my face and contemplate if “trillin’” was either 1. A noun 2. An adjective or 3. A street drug, it hit me: I’m that lady. Like those women in Target wearing patterned capri pants and buying Dentyne gum in bulk because that’s the only thing you can chew without real teeth. I thought this wouldn’t happen to me until at least 63 but I was wrong. I’m there.

The good news is that I have professional help to overcome this. My yin/yang twin always says cool sounding stuff like “be breezy.” I’m not exactly sure what that is either but I like it.  Every time she says it I have this awesome visual play through my head where I’m walking all sexy through a field of sunflowers in a bad ass red vintage dress and the wind is rippling through my hair. If you’re wondering who this alleged yin/yang twin is, she’s the hot black chick who keeps showing up on here. See below.

 This picture represents what I think trillin' looks like.

This picture represents what it could actually mean.

Until next time, keep it Gucci. I think.

(Sidenote: if you’re ever real busy in your office trying to get a flattering picture of yourself to send to a certain Sancho, do NOT ask your gay friend to help you pose. He will make you look retarded with a tilted, tiny head. He is only trying to sabotage you. P.S. The Sancho is not gay – he’s foreign, you asshole.)

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record.."Trillin" is your word.Always have and always will be.What I said was "Chillin"(an adverb describing my demeanor at that time)ie
    relaxed,content,or comfortable.
    Miss you Lady!!
