Sunday, December 16, 2012

Google Yourself

      You know how it goes - you're sitting at home (or your apartment complex's business center because you can't be inconvenienced by waiting on someone to install your internet <real busy>) and you think "I wonder how well-known I am in every corner of the world." So you do it.
And then you google yourself.

I searched for "real busy blog spot" and  this is what showed up.

To my friends who just googled the dirty website, shame on you.
And let me know if they're any good.

I'm sad to report these websites sound much more exciting than mine. But you know what? They don't have the party boob.

Below is a snapshot of which countries are viewing the blog.

US, Canada, Germany...that make sense. Kazakhstan and Belarus?! For a minute I felt like a bad ass, then I realized they were probably just looking for Busty Aunty's Hot BJ. Womp womp.

Inquiring minds wanna know - what comes up when you google yourself?


  1. Apparently, I became a Blue Angel AND a doctor and nobody told me. Which is cool, because I like to fly high, and to diagnose interesting cases of fungal infections. But uncool because I still make the same amount of money as I did when I was just working HR at Baylor.

  2. I thought we weren't going to talk about the infection.

    But yeah, the blue angel thing is cool.
