Thursday, December 6, 2012

Awesome Amy Would Bone an Asian

What I'm about to share with you is an excerpt from a legitimate and life-changing conversation.

Me: Serious question. If you had to bone an Asian, who would it be?

AA: ?? Apollo Ohno? Is he Asian?

Me: Oo good one. And probably.

AA: And you can't use 'serious question' with the word 'bone.'

Me: Boning is serious.

AA: True dat.

Me: I love you. ...even though you'd bone an Asian.

AA: Ass.

     My favorite part of this conversation is that Amy didn't question anything until after she answered, and she responded immediately with her first choice of the Asian honeys.

     Along the same lines, if I had to be taken advantage of by any race, I'd choose Asian. Not because it would be enjoyable, but because it's a logical choice. I'd never see it coming and it would be super fast. Plus they're generally smaller so it seems less offensive.

Amy is happy because the glow stick in her drink reminds her of downtown Hong Kong

Moral of the story - Awesome Amy would bone an Asian. AND LIKE IT.

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