Tuesday, March 26, 2013

When did Prince Harry Get Hot?

How can you know for SURE that your hormone levels are out of balance? All the websites say things like mood wings, sweating, rapid weight loss/gain, extreme bitchiness. But you know how I know when my hormones are jacked? All of the sudden, Prince Harry is smokin' hot.

Until now, I hadn't paid much attention except to the fact that he looks like David Letterman.

Harry, if you're reading this (and I'm sure you are) I'm sorry I had to break it to you this way.

Wait - what?!

P.S. to those whom this was not already announced - I went running today. Rather, I tried to walk the dog and the sprinklers went off so I started running. Realistically the scene looked like a surprise choreographed seizure in a camo shirt that says "It takes no talent to hustle" on the back but in my mind, I felt like a wild stallion. I was gracefully gallavanting (similar to the Elaine dance) through the wilderness (a cement trail in the suburbs) with long, flowing locks that were accented by nothing but sunshine and Jesus. (this part is actually true, plus some ombre color that my stylist did. See www.triciahair.com for details)

After I got away from the sprinklers I kept running, on purpose. Then I got tired so I just pretended like I stole something in order to keep up the original pace.

Moral of the Story - It actually does take talent to hustle.

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