Sunday, July 1, 2012

How I got Hired at NASA

How I got Hired at NASA – a little love nugget by Mallory 

Has anyone else noticed how the best thinking happens in the
bathroom? I often fall victim to this natural phenomenon and wanted to share the latest good news with you. My thoughts are below.

Why does my pee smell like cereal today? Not the healthy,
whole grain type with dried berries either. More like the family sized generic
honeycombs. Don’t get me wrong, I love honeycombs. I just don’t know why my pee
smelled like that. Wait a second
that’s pretty cool. I think I’m going to put that on my resume. I can just
imagine my next interview…

*insert thought-provoking elevator music*

Them: Hello Ms. Davidson, please come in and have a

Me: (being very demure, as usual) Good morning, so
nice to see you! (gentle smile with steady eye contact)

Them: So tell me, why do you feel like you would be a
good fit for this position?

Me: Well, George, I have years of experience in the
field. I am a team player, have multiple certifications and specific training
that would benefit this company. Oh, and I just took a pee that smelled like
high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates. (slight head tilt, then a slow nod)

Them: *impressed gasp* Please tell me (stumbling over
his words)…was it in our lobby?

Me: Why yes,
it was! You’re welcome.

Then George slams an enthusiastic hand onto his desk, pushes
a button on his phone and says “Louise! Get corporate on the line! We just
found NASA’s new chief of operations!”  I
curtsy, of course, because I want to set a good example for George and all my
new subordinates.

And that, my friends, is certified.

(See more certified goodness at - ya gotta click on the "blog" part)

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