Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dun Dunununaaaah!

Alright everybody, I have been afforded the fantastic opportunity to introduce you to my wine drinking partner with purple teeth, tongue and lips from East Texas (yep, shit is gonna get live, my friends). 

Imagine, if you will, Ray Wylie Hubbard’s “Screw You, We’re from Texas” is blaring through the speaker system and out walks Mallory with her long dancing legs (she is only 5’ 1.5” by the way-she wanted me to say 61.5” so she sounded taller) wearing power panties performing her signature dance move, which can be best described as some combination between the cabbage patch and running man with a bonus-we like to call it the lifegasm-to brighten your life. Her friends and family feel it is time that the rest of you are able to enjoy, laugh so hard you pee on yourself, random nonsense brought to you courtesy of Mallory’s thoughts, feelings and drunken “love nuggets” that are a daily part of our lives. Read, enjoy, learn something, laugh until it hurts and most importantly drink more wine…

-Abby Selman AKA “Sistafriend”

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