Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You Are What You Eat - Part Dos Equis

Well hello there, or as the gringo tourists say… “Ho-la.”
Last week I tried becoming Mexican by default. I ate a lot of Mexican food and drank only Mexican beers (minus that one whiskey slip up, but I am Irish so that shouldn’t count).
Stop judging me, gringos!

I went out with my Mexican friend tonight (Consuelita) and we had several epiphanies. I unintentionally ordered a margarita, then a XX, then a Modelo. It was like I had transformed into a real Mexicana without even trying.

Mexicans really know how to par-tay. I already knew this but it became so much clearer after 3 margaritas and this picture of a 10’ rooster.  What other culture gets away with a giant rooster painting and Christmas lights in August? (besides white trash. Y’all don’t count.)
                                                       Insert inappropriate joke here

Who else would think to throw a child’s birthday party and hang a hollow, animal-shaped creature up filled with candy and booze that you get to beat up and still win a prize? You get to beat it up and get  prizes… It’s like the Christmas morning of all things cultural.

                                                       Here's a white dude making fun of Mexicans

I appreciate that it’s easier to cuss in Spanish, and it seems less offensive. Every day words involve some type of profanity.
                                                                                 Si what I mean?


They also get to have mustaches and it’s part of their “culture.” I’m referring to men and women here.
     Here is Don Pedro. Or Maria.

 And last but certainly not least - the #1 reason I'm Mexican is because I've always wanted a baby goat for my birthday... and my birthday is September 6 so get ready you white suckers!
                                        Hey, I need this actual baby goat for my birthday.
Moral of the story: Mexicans are delicious.



  1. Oh yes I love me some mexican!!! I challenge you to a Mexican stand off señorita !!!

  2. Mexicans are muy delicioso! (thanks Dora for the Spanish lessons)
